Georgia Tech’s School of Cybersecurity and Privacy and School of Public Policy proudly present CSI’24!
Cybersecurity has become a common feature of national and global politics. The main goal of the Cybersecurity Summer Institute (CSI) is to provide Ph.D. students with foundational knowledge of both the technical and social aspects of cybersecurity and to facilitate interdisciplinary research on this topic. By the end of CSI, policy students should become more aware of the technical complexities of their research, whereas computer science students should have a better understanding of the policy implications of their research. Students should leave CSI with a robust foundational understanding of cybersecurity in order to continue conducting in-depth research combining the strengths of both the computer science and policy fields.
The Cybersecurity Summer Institute is now accepting application for the 2024 edition!
Applications for the 2024 Cyber Security Summer Institute (CSI) at the Georgia Institute of Technology (March 3-8) are now open! Early-career faculty and PhD students (who passed their preliminary exams) interested in combining their research in cybersecurity and political science/public policy are welcome to apply.
The Cybersecurity Summer Institute is a unique initiative which gathers scholars for mutual knowledge and skills exchange and promotes research in multidisciplinary environments in cybersecurity, public policy and social science. During this week-long program, students and faculty members will work on projects concerning different areas of cybersecurity. This year we particularly welcome students whose research focus on:
- Digital contentious politics;
- Cyber conflict;
- Political motivations and implications of Internet cybersecurity events and phenomena;
- Cybersecurity and democracy (i.e., trustworthiness, election security);
- Public opinion and cybersecurity; and
- Internet measurements, network security, and Internet policy.
The Cybersecurity Summer Institute will provide participants with a unique opportunity to network, learn and work on group projects during the CSI and afterwards. CSI alumni are also provided with access to a dedicated networking group.
To apply please complete the application below by January 15th, 2024, 11:59 PM (EST time zone). Applicants who will send their application after this time will not be considered. The CSI is particularly interested in members of groups historically underrepresented in cybersecurity. We are also interested in receiving applications from individuals who are studying or working at institutions where course work in cybersecurity is not regularly offered.
There is no tuition for participating in CSI. Accommodation and per diem are covered by organizers. Travel expenses may be partially covered. In case of any questions please contact us at csi.gatech@gmail.com.