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Cybersecurity Lecture Series with Shan Chen

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The Cybersecurity Lecture Series at Georgia Tech is a free, one-hour lecture from a thought leader who is advancing the field of information security and privacy. Invited speakers include executives and researchers from Fortune 500 companies, federal intelligence agencies, start-ups and incubators, as well as Georgia Tech faculty and students presenting their research. Lectures are open to all -- students, faculty, industry, government, or simply the curious.


"Secure Communication Channel Establishment: TLS 1.3 (over TCP Fast Open) vs. QUIC"

As the most popular protocol to establish a secure communication channel over the Internet, the current standard TLS 1.2 over TCP requires 3-round-trip-time (3-RTT) initial and 2-RTT resumption handshakes before sending any encrypted application data. To reduce such latency without sacrificing security, two protocols stand out: TLS 1.3 as a new version of TLS and QUIC as a low-latency transport protocol. In particular, TLS 1.3 over TCP Fast Open (TFO), a TCP optimization, achieves 0-RTT resumptions, and so does QUIC over UDP. There have been a lot of formal security analyses for TLS 1.3 and QUIC, but their security, when layered with their underlying transport protocols, cannot be easily compared due to the lack of a universal model. We propose a model and employs it to compare the security of TFO+TLS 1.3 and UDP+QUIC.

Shan Chen is a Ph.D. student advised by Alexandra Boldyreva in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech. His research focuses on applied cryptography and in particular secure channel establishment protocols.
