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Cybersecurity Lecture Series with Joshua C. Sorenson

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The Cybersecurity Lecture Series at Georgia Tech is a free, one-hour lecture from a thought leader who is advancing the field of information security and privacy. Invited speakers include executives and researchers from Fortune 500 companies, federal intelligence agencies, start-ups and incubators, as well as Georgia Tech faculty and students presenting their research. Lectures are open to all -- students, faculty, industry, government, or simply the curious.


Joshua C. Sorenson, manager of information assurance leaders at Delta Air Lines, will describe kinetic threats and how they are shifting the nature of information security -- both assurance and deterrence -- into a complex new territory. Since 2013, Sorenson has served in advisory and audit roles at Delta to investigate fraud, lead cybersecurity incident response, create the airline's enterprise cybersecurity model, vendor strategy, and more. He holds a bachelor's of management information systems from the University of Iowa and earned a master's of science in information security from the University of London, as well as a professional certificate in cybersecurity from Georgia Tech.
