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C21U Seminar Series - Mark Riedl on Computational Narrative Generation for Entertainment, Education and Training

Mark Riedl portrait

C21U invites you to join Professor Mark Riedl of the College of Computing's School of Interactive Computing as he discusses computational narrative and storytelling in virtual worlds. 

Who? Mark Riedl, School of Interactive Computing 

When? April 14 from 11:00 am -12:00 pm

Where? Klaus 2405, C21U UnConference Room

Topic: Computational Narrative Generation for Entertainment, Education, and Training

Abstract: Storytelling is a pervasive part of the human experience--we as humans tell stories to communicate, inform, entertain, and educate. I will describe techniques for using artificial intelligence to create interactive narrative experiences in virtual worlds. I will discuss  how these experiences can foster engagement and support educational and training.

Bio: Dr. Mark Riedl is an Associate Professor in the Georgia Tech School of Interactive Computing and director of the Entertainment Intelligence Lab. Dr. Riedl’s research focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence, virtual worlds, and storytelling. The principle research question his lab addresses is: how can intelligent computational systems reason about and create engaging experiences for users of virtual worlds and computer games. His research is supported by the NSF, DARPA, ONR, the U.S. Army, U.S. Health and Human Services, Disney, and Google. He is the recipient of a DARPA Young Faculty Award and an NSF CAREER Award.
