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Data & Materials Chalk & Talk Seminar Series - Speaker: Robert Pienta, First year Trainee

FLAMEL Traineeship Program

Date:               Thursday, February 25, 2016           

Time:              11am-12pm             
Place:              Klaus 1116 East           

Speaker:         Robert Pienta, First-year FLAMEL trainee


Modeling Process-Structure Linkages In Ternary Eutectoid Al-Ag-Cu Alloys

Process-structure-property (PSP) linkages are critical for furthering the knowledge base of material informatics.  This talk describes our research into modeling the process-structure linkages for both the steady state and transient behavior of ternary eutectoid Al-Ag-Cu alloys. Our objective is to understand how solidifying aluminum alloys' microstructures are determined by the solidification velocity and alloy concentrations. We utilize state-of-the-art simulation results of ternary eutectoid Al alloy solidification (for further detail on the simulation see [1]). The simulations provide a data-rich transient solidification period that--in most cases--arrives at a steady state. In this talk I will present our methods and results for modeling the linkages between the simulated solidification process and the alloy microstructures.  I will also cover the ongoing challenges we have faced, which motivate the need of non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques for modeling transience in materials.

[1]  -  Hötzer, Johannes and Jainta, Marcus and Steinmetz, Philipp and Nestler, Britta and Dennstedt, Anne and Genau, Amber and Bauer, Martin and Köstler, Harald and Rüde, Ulrich (2015) Large scale phase-field simulations of directional ternary eutectic solidification.Acta Materialia (93), pp. 194-204. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.03.051. ISSN 1359-6454.


Robert Pienta is a PhD student in computational science and engineering at Georgia Tech. As an undergraduate, he attended Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology majoring in computer science and mathematics. His academic interests are human-in-the-loop machine learning, visual analytics, and large-scale data mining. While in FLAMEL he aspires to utilize visualization and data mining techniques to improve the quality of models and material simulations. For fun he paints portraits and runs.
