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Data & Materials Chalk & Talk Seminar Series - Speaker: Andriy Dotsenko, First year Trainee

FLAMEL Traineeship Program

Date:               Thursday, February 11, 2016           

Time:              11am-12pm             
Place:              Klaus 1116 East               

Speaker:         Andriy Dotsenko, First-year FLAMEL trainee


Development of a Combinatorial High Throughput (CHT) Alloy Synthesis Technique for Additive Manufacturing using Dry Powder Printing and Controlled Laser Melting”

Abstract:This talk describes the development of a combinatorial high throughput (CHT) alloy synthesis technique for Additive Manufacturing (AM) that combines experimental and analytical components tailored to advance the understanding of process-microstructure and microstructure-property relationships. The experimental component includes precision dry powder printing (DPP) for alloy composition control and Controlled Laser Melting (CLM) for consolidation to create a large set of physical alloy samples of unique composition under controlled processing conditions. The analytical component includes quantitative microstructural analysis and material property measurements of the fabricated samples. Together, these components form the basis of a powerful tool for rapid screening of microstructure-property-processing relationships as a function of alloy composition. The DPP and CLM techniques are presented along with a demonstration of the CHT technique on a family of aluminum alloys. The presented technique has the potential to serve as a valuable tool in advanced alloy development for AM as well as for streamlining process parameter optimization.


Andriy Dotsenko is a Ph.D. student in the school of Mechanical Engineering, working with Dr. Suman Das in the Direct Digital Manufacturing Lab (DDML). He has a B.S. in Physics from Stony Brook University and industry experience working at HYPRES, inc. in the area of superconducting electronics. His current research is metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) at the intersection of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science with the goal of developing a light-weight, high-strength aluminum alloy optimized for AM. A general Combinatorial High Throughput (CHT) alloy synthesis technique for alloy development and discovery is developed as a tool to realize this goal, and can be extended to other alloy systems.

Andriy enjoys hiking, music, and social dancing, helping organize the Georgia Tech Salsa Club.
