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Data & Materials Chalk & Talk Seminar Series: Speaker: Alex Lohse

Date: Thursday, January 28, 2016
Time: 11am-12pm
Place: Klaus 1447
Speaker: Alex Lohse, 2nd year FLAMEL Trainee
Title: “Molecular Dynamics and Material Informatics”
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are a useful way to study the underlying molecular mechanisms that occur when material systems are subjected to some stimuli. Material informatics techniques are well poised to uncover molecular level structure information. In this talk I will briefly discuss molecular dynamics simulations, specifically of polymer and polymer matrix composite systems. A review and some examples will be presented to show different ways informatics techniques have/can be applied to MD.
Alex Lohse is in his second year of the Ph.D. program in the School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at Georgia Tech, after graduating with a B.S. in MSE from Purdue University. During his time at Purdue, he worked for GE-Aviation on a variety of military and commercial jet engine material systems; for Northrop Grumman on microelectronics technology for satellites; and performing research in sustainable metal processing. He also played the “Big Bass Drum” in Purdue’s All-American Marching Band and studied abroad in France and China. In his spare time he loves to travel, play soccer, is an avid runner, and will do just about anything outdoors including hiking, kayaking, and cycling.
*Our next Chalk-Talk is scheduled for Thursday, February 11, with discussions led by first year FLAMEL trainee Andriy Dotsenko. For a list of this semester’s upcoming talks, please visit http://flamel.gatech.edu/newsroom
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Holly Rush
School of Computational Science and Engineering
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